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Newspaper delivery to your address

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Sales and free delivery
of domestic and foreign newspapers

Daily dose of information,
as you turn around
dostava-novina Newspaper delivery
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Sales and free delivery
of domestic and foreign newspapers

Daily dose of information,
as you turn around
dostava-novina Newspaper delivery

Free early morning delivery of all domestic and foreign printed and online editions of newspapers and magazines to your personal and/or business address

Vergl provides the fastest, safest, and contactless delivery of domestic and foreign newspapers, as well as specialized and professional magazines.

Vergl offers the widest selection of foreign printed newspapers from around the world and the option of annual subscriptions to printed and online editions of newspapers and magazines.

Vergl is the only company through which you can order all domestic and foreign newspapers that are available at newsstands, online editions, as well as all printed editions that are not sold at newsstands (Računovodstvo i financije, RRiF, Narodne novine…).

Vergl delivers domestic and foreign printed editions around the Zagreb area. Foreign editions can be ordered throughout Croatia and are sent by mail.

The biggest selection of foreign printed newspapers from around the world

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VERGL d.o.o.
Radnička cesta 1 A,
10000 Zagreb,

T: +385 1 4651 104